Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12th Run up a new hill

April 12th run.

There's a lot of roads, trails and tracks to run on in the hills behind town, so this run was up a new hill that I've passed so many times but have always been out on longer run at the time so didn't go up it.
This time I took a run specifically to get to this hill top.

I was using my new trail shoes today for the first time,  Needed something with a little more foot protection but still minimalist as anything with a spongy mid sole just doesn't work for me.  The New Balance MT10 Trail shoe seems ok.  Not perfect but will be fine to keep in rotation when I want a little more sole protection from the hard rock surface on the forest roads.

Link to the shoe.
MT10v1 Trail

It was a dry day to start with, cool temperature and looked like it might rain at any time.

This is the North view from the top which at the highest point is 320 meters (1050 feet) That's Haystack Rock in the middle.

Looking South from the top.

Me at the top with the North view behind me.

Me again with the South behind me.  That cloud behind me opened up as I was running back down the hill.

Elevation profile and distance.
12 Miles.  The last part, the big hump in the middle of the elevation profile was really steep and most of it involved a bit of running then some power hiking then more running rather than running the whole thing.  Fast run down though.

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